

Adding a waypoint

Waypoints may be added to the chart in three different ways:

Hovering the mouse over a waypoint will display its latitude and longitude, as well as the name and description of the waypoint.

Deleting a waypoint

Right click the mouse over a waypoint to bring up a contextual menu. Choose Delete Waypoint.... Waypoints can also be deleted from within the Waypoint Manager.

Moving a waypoint

Click and hold the mouse over a waypoint to allow it to be dragged to a new position on the chart.

Editing a waypoint

Right click the mouse over a waypoint to bring up a contextual menu. Choose Edit Waypoint... which will bring up the Waypoint Manager and allow editing of all its properties.

Going to a waypoint

Right click the mouse over a waypoint to bring up a contextual menu. Choose Goto Waypoint... which will display a green line between the boat and the waypoint. The distance to the waypoint (DTW) and the time to go at the current course and speed (TTG) are shown in the display panel. If the goto waypoint is part of the active route, then once the waypoint is reached, the next waypoint in the route becomes the goto waypoint.

The Waypoint manager

The waypoint manager is displayed by choosing View > Waypoint Manager..., or using the key combination ShiftCommandW.
