

About Routes

A route is an ordereds collection of waypoints which can be set in advance and followed on the chart. AngelPilot allows the creation of an unlimited number of routes, but only one is 'active' at any one time. The active route is displayed on the chart, and can be followed. Routes are added, edited and deleted in the Route Manager.

The Route Manager

The route manager is displayed by choosing View > Route Manager..., or using the key combination ShiftCommandR.


Active route

The active route is displayed on the chart with a dashed light blue line. When a route is active, right clicking on a waypoint in the route offers additional menu options of Add to Active Route and Remove from Active Route. There is also an additional menu option of Add Waypoint and Add to Active Route.

The active route is selected by double clicking a route, or clicking the activateRouteButton button, and is indicated in the table by a bullet point after its name. To deselect the active route, either make another route active, double click the current active route, or click the deactivateButton button. A new route becomes active by default, unless there is already an active route.